Sunday, December 6, 2009

Down, Down, Down

I don't know why the rest of the links haven't been on. The physical addition is long gone, but the emotional part is killing me. It seems that every relationship I have has suffered. I'm not handling day to day pressure or problems very well. The things that used to excite me and get me out of bed in the mornings just aren't doing it for me right now. I haven't spent much time with Justine, Carol and Randy in the last 4 weeks and I hate that. Bobby is about ready to vote me off the island. Some good news though is my American Express bill was $200 lower this month. This is the first time I have quit smoking and really saw the financial savings.

Anyway, sorry everybody for my lack of Penny lately. I sure hope this passes. I am miserable. I'm sure glad kitten season is slow right now because I don't even know if I could muster up the energy to help them right now.

Even my relationship with God right now is not right and that alone is knocking my socks off.

Maybe just blogging will help. I even asked Santa yesterday for a real estate loan modification for Christmas. Is that sad or what?

Don't worry. I'm not going to commit caticide or anything. Just one day at a time..

1 comment:

  1. Keep going Penny! I have been sending good thoughts your way:)
